[pct-l] Trail Names

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Tue Dec 21 14:58:16 CST 2010

Kevin et al:

Choose your own trail name and be done with it. You can always change it
again whenever you want or if someone comes up with a better or more
appropriate one.

Bottom line - you do not have to wait for someone to name you. This isn't
childbirth; you're an adult.

Wandering Bob 
(and yes, I choose it myself many years ago because I tended to "get
misplaced" often. I keep it to this day because I still tend to "wander off"
on obscure side trails)

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Kevin Cook

I've had discussions off list, with a couple other members of the upcoming
class of 2011, about this. We all have the same concern about getting an
undesirable trail name. We also all agreed it was a little cheap to "choose
your own".

How do I end up with something cool? Can I make suggestions? lol  Since most
do seem to be based on a funny anecdote that happens near the beginning of
the trail, those of us without trail names might want to be wary of which
hikers we hang out with near the start. That person with the "odd" sense of
humor could have a lifelong impact on you! ;)

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