[pct-l] Why hike for so long?

Ken and Wanda Brimmer kbrimmer at cccomm.net
Sat Dec 18 17:55:10 CST 2010

    I am a 58 year old woman who has already outlived both of my parents by eleven years.  I love backpacking although my longest hike on the JMT was a 100 mile section last summer.  I hike locally (Nevada) about 50 miles a week but we all know the weight of a pack makes a huge difference in the level of difficulty.  Next summer I am planning to walk the total distance of the JMT, barely a skip for you PCTers.  When my chubby, couch potato friends ask me why I want to hike for such long distances, carrying all that weight, my favorite answer is, "Because, I can!".


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