[pct-l] Lots of stuff and more...

Steven dvsteven dvsteven at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 18 16:24:42 CST 2010

Hi all....
First, I'm 51.... hiked the AT in 2006 (killed my knees, healed my heart), best thing ever.   Started at 158, ended at 127, everyone said I looked like death, I felt alive.  
Second please look up Pemmican Bars (http://www.mealpack.com/products.html) great tasting no cook alt to meals, dense, not bad to taste and I love them.
Third, I'm starting off the first of April but plan on stopping for a week at a time to do online testing (not PCT related but have to)..... anyone that needs a break can stop and hang (I'm sending my laptop to my stops and you can use it).
Fourth, I'll be hiking alone, with my SPOT (for both my sake and my families sake)... this might get loud (one of my favorite movies (http://www.sonyclassics.com/itmightgetloud/) but it's so worth hiking your own hike....
Love this list.... Paul, Ned, everyone... thanks so much for the information....
Flying Tortoise (trail name given on the AT by a really incredible guy with his wife and mother-in-law (lefty and righty))
How did you get your trail name?

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