[pct-l] Fitness

Eugene Leafty atetuna at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 17 15:22:18 CST 2010

Everyone has different things they should focus on to prepare for a thru.
For me, it's my feet and ankles.

For feet, it takes a lot of work.  Lots of walking to toughen the skin and
plantar fascia.  Lots of calf raises also strengthen the plantar fascia.

For ankles, hiking on rough surfaces helps.  Do balance exercises, starting
with something as simple as standing on one foot, then progress to doing
dynamic exercises with weights.  Again, calf raises help again.

Your feet may hurt a lot.  Rolling your feet helps...try using a tennis ball
to massage your plantar fascia.

The ankle exercises have really helped me recover since messing up my ankle
on the PCT this year.  During the early part of the summer I couldn't even
walk a mile on flat surfaces without my ankle killing me, but last week I
was able to do about 60 miles in 3 days on Section A (after 5 days of 15
milers around the Lagunas) without my ankle holding me back much...although
I certainly felt it when hiking into the dark for an hour or two at the end
of the day.  I actually go faster/further when going uphill because it's
easier on my ankles.

Weight loss from your pack and body will reduce wear and tear on your body

You don't have to be in great shape to hike the PCT.  I'm in horrible
cardiovascular shape, but even I can do 20's on short winter days with a
late start and long breaks.  The main thing for me is preventing joint pain,
chafing and keeping my energy levels up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Barbara Thorn

Hello everyone

Long time reader, first time writer.  I don't think I've seen any posts
about fitness for the thru.  Myself and Ant are walking it in 2011 and I'd
be keen to hear any tips on getting the bode ready.  We've been tramping
(Kiwi for hiking) a bit and doing the odd run but that's about it....

Many thanks
Bee :)

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