[pct-l] My Gear List - Need Some Experienced Thoughts

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Sun Dec 12 07:49:43 CST 2010

Yes Diana,
The evidence of your flat rock and stick excavations is evident all 
along the trail....''APP'' sticking out of a 2'' hole or dug up by the 
kritters trashing up the trail because Diana is to lazy to carry a potty 
trowel and bury her waste properly.
I can always tell that Diana was here.
My cut down and reshaped  plastic potty trowel weighs 1/2 oz. and will 
dig a 6'' hole in no time flat and leave no evidence that JMT Reinhold 
was here.
I can just see you running around, on a cold rainy night, desperately 
looking for a flat rock or stick.
What if you can't find a flat rock or stick in time?....Dhuuu...
You really ought to practice ''leave no trace'' hiking.

Say, while back somebody on the list was advocating leaving the  
''APP''  behind and using flat rocks to wipe......was that you?

JMT Reinhold

Diana wrote:
Ditch the shovel. Use a rock or stick to dig a hole. The earth is really 
soft just about everywhere along the trail so long as you go away from 
impacted areas. A nice flat rock with a sharp edge works better than any 
shovel and I swear they tend to appear just when you need them.

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