[pct-l] Ice Axe

Sean 'Miner' Nordeen sean at lifesadventures.net
Thu Dec 9 12:17:22 CST 2010

>Anyone have/use a Black Diamond Rave or Raven Ultra?  Good? Bad?
They are good ice axes, just heavier then the other optons talked about since they have a steel head rather then alum. (though the shafts are alum).  I also own a BD Raven Pro (14.8oz) which is much better for chopping steps and is what I would take in more winter like conditions.  But the lighter alum. head Camp axe is better for a thru-hike since few hikers go into the Sierra early enough to need an axe for more then self arresting.


Check my 2009 PCT Journal out at http://www.pct2009.lifesadventures.net/Journal.php

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