[pct-l] My feet are killing me.

Barbara Karagosian barbara at mkpe.com
Sun Dec 5 20:03:40 CST 2010

I had a Mortons neuroma in my left foot about 12 years ago. Did the wide shoes, inserts, but finally had surgery and wished I'd done it way sooner. About 3-4 weeks and then no pain at all. It was a miracle. Yes slight numbness in one toe; no impact on hiking or anything else. 
But they can recur.  
I have another one now, on the adjacent nerve. Due to an insurance change, and cost of surgery, I've tried the cortisone shots, which work great for 6-8 weeks, so I'd have one once a year before a big hike. Then I tried  alcohol shots (5) which are suppose to sclerose the nerve (kill it), therefore no pain. Painful shot, worked for a year or so. Now it's starting up again......

Cheers, Barbara

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