[pct-l] Drop Box Wish List

Ernie Castillo erniec01 at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 5 05:08:55 CST 2010

As a legacy PCTer (class of 1980) I know the thrill of opening up a drop box, especially when all that is sleft in the pack is Tang, tea bags, and the remaining "emergency" squeeze of peanut butter. Think "Christmas in July." So I am really excited about the "adopt a Stop" idea. I was thinking of something else: Adopt a thru hiker. That is also aligned with my "remote trail angel" idea that got me into this particular discussion thread. I'm still thinking about it so I don't want to commit yet. But it's a distinct possibility. I wouldn't commit to being the 100% source of food -- too much pressure on that -- but just a partial suplementary drop box provider.
My bucket list includes returning to the West Coast at various times once I retire and section hike the parts of the PCT I missed in 1980 due to (a) injury in May and (b) the eruption of Mt. St. Helens.
This dialog on the PCT-L continues to inspire me. I lurk but occasionally chime in with my perspective. Good luck to all of those planning to thru-hike in 2011.

Ernie Castillo
Founding member Revolving Ramen, PCT Class of 1980


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