[pct-l] My feet are killing me!

Reinhold Metzger reinholdmetzger at cox.net
Fri Dec 3 06:46:04 CST 2010

  You  ''CAN''  hurt yourself while sleeping.
  I knew a guy who fell out of the upper rack of a military bunk bed 
while sleeping.
Just thought I mention it.

BTW....If pain is your friend, does that mean I hate my 
friends?.....Just wondering, that's all.

JMT Reinhold
Melanie wrote:
Pain is always your friend.
It tells you when something is wrong! I always fear that masking the 
pain would cause me to injure myself even   more.
The only time I have ever taken pain medication of any kind is to get a 
good night's sleep (5 kids).
When I'm sleeping I'm not going to cause myself more injury.

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