[pct-l] cougar sightings north of santiam pass

CHUCK CHELIN steeleye at wildblue.net
Fri Aug 27 08:40:15 CDT 2010

Good morning,

It may seem counterintuitive but a large, healthy cougar is not much of a
threat to people; it’s just too easy for them to stay well-fed on deer.

300 lbs. is probably about twice what an adult cougar will weigh, but this
animal’s relatively large size and its location a prime wilderness area
bodes well for hikers.  The largest, most dominate individuals – those who
are the most successful hunters – occupy the most desirable deer hunting
areas.  The young, weak, and less capable animals are pushed into the
marginal hunting areas, often areas that are closer to human development.  Near
humans they are more likely to be hard pressed for food and could get into
mischief by taking pets or very rarely pursuing people.

Anyone who sights a cougar along the PCT should feel truly fortunate rather
than be frightened.


Hiking the Pct since before it was the PCT – 1965



On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 1:30 PM, <5418610024 at vzw.blackberry.net> wrote:

> We heard the same thing three weeks ago (before fire). Someone said it
> weighed 300 pounds, but a friend who helped his Ph.D. son tag cougars said
> 190-200 is considered to be a big one
> ------Original Message------
> Sender: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net
> To: Pct-l
> Subject: [pct-l] cougar sightings north of santiam pass
> Sent: Aug 26, 2010 12:08
> Just came off a section hike from Hwy 138 NOBO in OR.  Was supposed to go
> to Olallie Lake but stopped at McKenzie Pass because of new fire there and
> the cont'd fire North of Santiam Pass.  Lloyd Gust, trail angel superhero,
> told me that a lot of hikers have seen a cougar on the trail north of
> Santiam, presumably displaced by the fire.  He made it sound like nearly
> every hiker had seen it for several days now.  Any input from hikers?
> Damn that Sisters Wildeness section is beautiful!!
> Dys-feng-shui-nal
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