[pct-l] What do others do to get/stay in shape

Diane Soini of Santa Barbara Hikes diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Thu Aug 19 19:42:27 CDT 2010

On Aug 19, 2010, at 9:10 AM, pct-l-request at backcountry.net wrote:
> I have been reading that trekking poles can increase the ability to do
> mileage by as much as 25%.  It would be great to hear if people have
> feedback on that, as well as recommendations on poles.

People say that trekking poles can help your knees but when my knees  
are hurting, I don't notice them making my knees feel any better.

I enjoy using trekking poles, but I don't use them "correctly". I  
mostly carry them when the trail is level or up hill, only actually  
using them if I have to really step up. I use them a lot for balance  
going down hill or for creek crossings. As a result of my mild use of  
them, I've used the same poles for over 3000 miles and the tips don't  
show much sign of wear.

So, with all that as a caveat, I'd recommend the Gossamer Gear poles.  
They are so light I swear they would float away if you weren't  
holding them. I used them once and felt stable crossing creeks  
putting my weight on them (~145lbs). Unfortunately I don't own any  
myself. I only borrowed them for one hike. I've been using the Leki  
Makalu. When they finally break I'm getting the Gossamer Gear ones.


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