[pct-l] shipping to Manning

lucymann at comcast.net lucymann at comcast.net
Wed Aug 18 16:21:52 CDT 2010

Thanks for the responses I got to my question. 

Bonnie you gave me an idea and in my experience differnt calls can get different answers so 

I called Manning Park Resort and spoke to a very helpful gentleman by the name of Riley. He 

put me on hold and checked and then  he told me they do hold boxes for PCT hikers. He said to ship it: 

My Name 

c/o Manning Park Resort 

7500 Highway 3 

Manning Park BC VOX1R0 

and label it "Hold for PCT Hiker" 

I am going to give it a try - the only thing it could hurt is to be out the postage and eventually get the clothes box back :-) 

Miner, I did think about your suggestion to just buy "tourist clothes" but my husband is very hard to fit (wears size 14 shoes) and 

so we will try to ship. I will let the list know how it goes when we get back from our hike 

Lucy Mann 

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