[pct-l] First PCT Thru-Triker

hiker97 at aol.com hiker97 at aol.com
Sun Aug 8 00:37:29 CDT 2010

Lurking Bob writes: Wanted to buy - new (or used and reliable) R.P.G. launcher with 2 live rounds?  I'm going on a Switchback hunt!  If successful, I anticipate:  1) being awarded medals by the PCTA, ALDHA-West, and even the TSA for removing a known Trail Terrorist.  (Anyone who would flaunt food, ice cream, and cold drinks in front of starving, thirsty hikers without sharing is truly a Terrorist with a capital "T"........and also not very smart) Who knows, maybe our beloved President will award me the Freedom Medal for outstanding civilian service to my nation. 2) receiving the undying thanks and admiration of the bulk of the readers on the PCT_L forum, who have been forced to endure the Trail Pirate's ridiculous banter all these years. 3) becoming the hero of the Female Terminator Leadership Types (never a bad gig).  Quickly now, to my maps! I must carefully consider all possible ambush sites.............

Switchback replies:  I could not agree more.

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