[pct-l] Help me find a tent

Kurt Herzog kpherzog at sdesign.com
Tue Nov 24 10:04:07 CST 2009

I am looking for a new ultra-light tent.  I saw 
one that interested me at a website a couple of 
weeks ago and now for the life of me I can't 
re-locate it.  The tent was a side-opener, single 
wall & supported by a hiking pole.  There were 
pull-outs at each end that were propped up with a 
couple of sticks.

If anyone could suggest a name, or website, I 
would greatly appreciate the help!

I am familiar with GoLite, TarpTents, & the usual 
big names (MSR, REI, Siera Designs, etc.) and it 
is none of these.

Thanks . . . Kurt

Kurt P. Herzog
Grants Pass, Oregon 

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