[pct-l] Headlamps

Steve McAllister brooklynkayak at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 11:44:19 CST 2009

> I bought a Zebralite.  ... It has good burn time on the "campsite" levels
> but only about 2 hours on a new battery.  I found little difference
> between the burn time of alkaline and lithium, but if the temps drop
> that would no longer be true.

I never use the brightest setting, even when hiking at night, unless
I'm in very difficult terrain. I use the lowest setting for reading
and stuff, so I get pretty good mileage off of one battery.
It is too expensive, but it is the most perfect bakcpacking light
there is. If you use your headlamp a lot and are a gram-weenie, you
may want to pay the price.

One major bug, you have to remove the battery when not in use as it's
too easy to accidentally turn it on in your pack.

One light that is nearly as perfect, but much cheaper, is the RayOVac
Sportsman Extreme, it has a bright white with sliding diffuser, red
and blue lights. It is also single AA.

... when your feeling blue, and you've lost all your dreams, there's
nothing like a campfire and a can of beans!
   -- Tom Waits


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