[pct-l] resupply between Muir Ranch and Whitney

Marion Davison mardav at charter.net
Mon Jun 8 23:15:54 CDT 2009

Another way to go. Mail a resupply to Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon, hike 
down the Bubbs Creek trail to Roadend, hitch or walk  to Cedar Grove, 
pick up your resupply box.  Or just go to the grocery store and stock up 
there. The grociery store is decent sized and has plenty of hiker food 
if you aren't picky.  Take a shower.  Head back to the trail.  This plan 
keeps you in nice surroundings, no need to leave the mountains.  We did 
a Cedar Grove mail-in resupply a few years ago and it worked fine.  You 
could even take an alternater route back to the trail--there are many 

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