[pct-l] PCT bandana

Diane Soini diane at santabarbarahikes.com
Mon Jun 8 09:54:12 CDT 2009

Hello there.

My beloved PCT bandana was accidentally taken from the laundry line at  
Kennedy Meadows. Is there any way I can get another bandana? Perhaps  
one could be sent to my mom's house (Piper's mom/Meridith Rosendahl)?

I'm not sure when I can check the list again, plus I get the digest so  
I have to ignore most of the messages otherwise I'll search in vain  
for the response. If there's a way to get another bandana, can you  
send a message directly to me at my email address? That would be  
greatly appreciated.

If not, it's just one of the lessons of the trail: Everything you need  
comes to you exactly when you need it. In other words, I did find a  
blue bandana in the hiker box, but it's not the beloved class of 2009  
one and I'm afraid I'm quite attached to it still.


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