[pct-l] Anyone See Censored

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Thu Jun 4 11:22:06 CDT 2009

on June 03, Halfmile wrote:

The coordinates are for a spring near mile 736 on the PCT. This is
about 9 miles south of Trail Pass and about 3/10 of a mile northeast
of the trial.
You can download my map of the area here:
Look for waypoint WA736 on page 12 of the section G maps.

I remember this spot from last summer. There was a wooden sign lying on the ground by the PCT saying "Corral, feed, water, 1/4 mile". I followed the ever-degrading spur trail to the meadow, at the edge of which I passed through a small stand of head-high pines that completely obscured the trail. Once out in the marshy meadow, the rapidly fading trail simply disappeared. I tied orange flagging tape to the trees where I passed through them so I could find the faint trail again on the way out. T'was a good thing, since in turning around in the meadow, I could not see any sign of the trail I had followed into it. Never did find the corral or a spring. It would be easy to get lost in there. Fortunately the spur trail is almost a straight line from the PCT to the meadow, and the PCT curves around the south and west sides of the meadow, so a person could just walk out and hit it. 

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