[pct-l] California State Parks Foudation Appeal

Ken Murray kmurray at pol.net
Mon Jun 1 23:52:27 CDT 2009

Wait a minute.

I think we need to keep perspective.  Our State is in a terrible financial situation.  Pointing fingers as to who is to blame is a waste of time.  We are here, and action needs to happen.

There are finite amounts of money.  Money spent somewhere, means that it will not be spent somewhere else.  

Where is the sense of public service?  Where is each citizen shouldering a part of the burden?  Now, we can spend those $143 mil to keep the parks humming.  That means we will have to rip $143 mil from somewhere else:  where?  Much of the budget is set by law, and cannot be changed by the legislature or Gov.  So, do we take away wheelchairs from cripples?  Do we kick demented elderly onto the streets?  Do we let all the felons go?  Do we take food away from children?  

Actually, some of all those things are going to happen.

I think it is time to remember that the category into which the parks fall is: entertainment.  

Maybe we can forgo some of our *entertainment* for a year?

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