[pct-l] need partner

Randy Forsland rforsland2001 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 1 10:54:20 CDT 2009

What's the pay rate ?? Seriously, I thought that I was reading an employment application. You will more than likely meet somebody on the trail that fits your hiking style. Most people start solo, but very few end that way. 

I'm sure that you wil receive a few impressive resumes, but the only way to really find a hiking partner is to get out there and kick the tires.

Good luck...and happy partner interviewing


--- On Sun, 5/31/09, mary owen <middlechidly at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: mary owen <middlechidly at yahoo.com>
Subject: [pct-l] need partner
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
Date: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 7:30 PM

I'm planning on thru-hiking the trail beginning April of 2010. 
However, I need a partner. 
I gather the way these things normally go is that you kind of group up with other thru-hikers, so you aren't technically alone although you are solo. 
Here's my problem though, I have a dead line: September 1st. (actually August 30th would be preferable). From what I've seen, most thru-hikers aren't really interested in bookin it. 
But I need a strong, reliable partner (female) who would be willing to go at a pretty good pace and perhaps fore go a few of the traditional stops and hangout opportunities. I need someone who would be willing to condition for 20 mile days, before starting the trail - not during. And I need someone who isn't going to get halfway through central CA and decide that they've had enough. 
I am strong, determined, but pretty easy going. I get along with pretty much everyone, and I'm not picky about people's different quirks and personality traits. I'm 19 btw (will be 20 when I start the trail), and I want to be able to do this before I get into college and everything else. 
Please let me know if you are interested or know anyone who might be, (reply to my email address). I'm open for other suggestions, too.


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