[pct-l] Water Report - WA Section I
dicentragirl at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 14 13:31:48 CDT 2009
This was actually written up by Hoosierdaddy, but he isn't really on the list anymore (is still reading) We hiked 26 miles of this section this past weekend. Gov't Meadows to Chinook. He took careful notes so that he could share the beta.
Trip photos are on my FaceBook if anyone wants to see them. I'm writing the TR up now and it will be on the One Pan Wonders blog by the end of the day.
Meanwhile... Here's the water beta. It reads north to south b/c that's how we were hiking.I hope it's helpful. :)
Water Report
Arch Rock: Immediately north of the spur trail for the removed Arch Rock Shelter is a good and fast running stream. The trail crosses two small bridges that have metal culverts under them. The excellent tasting water is easily reached. At this date, it seems that this *should* be an enduring, year round stream.
Arch Rock Way: (Trail 1187 headed to Echo Lake) leads west and downhill about 100 yards directly to the remains of an old airplane wreck which is at the top of a large meadow. The marshy meadow (Saddle Springs?) has a faintest, mosquito larva filled seep of water in the middle of it, but it is sure to dry up quickly. Lots and lots of mosquitoes!
Just 100 yards north of Martinson Gap is a beautiful meadow that would make a GREAT camping spot…except there is only a trickle of water found 200 yards down a boot path that is sure to dry up in a month. The water trickles above ground, and then disappears again under ground in 100 yards.
Little Crow Basin: At the top of Hayden Pass, you can look steeply down into the lush meadow of Little Crow Basin and see small rivulets of water leading to a small pond. There appears to be no way trail into Little Crow basin that we could find and a 100 yard bushwhack would be required to access it if you are determined to stay there.
Big Crow Basin: Descending from Norse Peak you enter Big Crow Basin. Just 30’ below the trail are two gushing springs that appear to very reliable. Immediately past that is a trail junction (#953) which descends ~½ mile into the beautiful basin to an old shelter where there is excellent camping right next to a stream that is fed from the two springs. Lots of elk call this basin home!
Bullion Basin: The spur trail leads very steeply down about ½ mile to the basin floor. There you’ll find marshy meadows and a small stream that may be reliable all summer.
Happy Hiking,
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