[pct-l] Trekking poles

Brian Lewis brianle8 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 19 12:46:05 CST 2009

Deems said: "I used a pair of Komperdell C3 carbons (same as REI)  all this
year, starting with a long cross country alpine trip in the Trinity Alps. I
used them on the PCT in Washington in the August rainy period and had
trouble getting them to lock when the shafts were wet."

Not to in any way disagree or try to undermine Deems experience, but instead
to share another instance of "different reaction to gear from different
hikers" ...

I have the REI branded versions, and while I've had on-and-off minor
problems with the locking mechanism on one of the two, I've always been able
to resolve it, and never noticed a difference due to moisture.   I used
these the entire trip (2600+ miles) last year.

Deems also said:
"While hiking across the snow, I postholed and fell forward and snapped my
right pole's lower section. I think the little snow basket was a problem
because the pole sunk in deep in the solid snow as I sunk and then fell

FWIW, I bought the actual snow baskets for mine and put them on when I ran
into significant snow in the Sierras, but in fact I took them off again not
too long after and mailed them home with much/most of the Sierras still to
do (I normally use no basket at all).  Why?   Trade-off --- the Sierras
aren't constant snow, and the bigger baskets were at times a PITA (get
caught on things, can't see tip placement as well).
I rarely wished for the baskets after that; for me at least, it's a matter
of just sensing what the snow is like and not assuming I can put full weight
on a pole at any point in time.  Often the snow was clearly firm enough that
I had good support with no basket at all.    One of a zillion points of
endless debate is on the topic of pole baskets, I don't mean to resurrect
that, but indeed I do agree that the little default baskets aren't of much
use.  And indeed that carbon fiber poles can snap more easily than others; I
took reasonable care (nothing outrageous) and now have over 3000 miles on my
pair and expect to get a lot more.

Finally: "Black Diamond has replacement parts, but Komperdell doesn't."

Per above I was able to buy actual snow baskets, so those exist.  I think I
might have gotten them at REI, but maybe online, I don't remember.  I also
poked around and found some Komperdell branded replacement tips online and
bought a couple pairs of those. I think I replaced my tips in Burney Falls
(where another hiker with poorer or no tips was happy to use my
cast-offs!).  The replacement tips I found online were a bit longer/heavier,
but they fit fine and are still holding up great.

I'm not sure what other replacement parts I would want; any other problems
and REI would very likely replace a pole.

Again, not meaning to be argumentative, but just to share an alternate point
of view.

Brian Lewis / Gadget

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