[pct-l] FS used complete guidebooks - best offer

Casey Burnett reconstructing at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 10 06:25:55 CDT 2008

FOR SALE -- used / new guidebook & yogi planner>> -sold as total bundle not in parts>> [1] COMPLETE 'on trail guidebooks' Campo to Manning Park. [torn into the > Yogi suggested divisions and paper clipped]> [2] complete remaining portions (first aid, history, natural history, > suggested readings, etc) for Northern CA and OR&WA Guidebooks> [3] Used Yogi's PCT Planner 2007 - COMPLETE> [4] Used Yogi's on Trail / town guide (page 11 MIA-- has information about > Lake Morena Park?).> [5] Also colored copies double sided of all HIKERTRASH. NET map pages > (there is not a map for each mile of trail).>> ---The guidebooks, maps, yogi's on trail data were used until Echo Lake > (~1094). I finished my hike there this summer 2008. With no plans to > continue in near future I'm selling everything.>> = NEW would be ~ $20 +20 +25 +30 = 95 + Shipping> YOU PAY = $60 (used and as new materials).+ shipping (OBO, + shipping)>> email> reconstructing [a.t.] hotmail [dot] com
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