[pct-l] Walker Pass snackin'

Arno Holschuh affenmensch at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 31 13:16:56 CDT 2008

Dear fellow Class of 08 Members:
I do a lot of romping around in the Walker Pass area, and on my last trip down there, I stopped at the Canebreak Cafe. It is open again, just a not-too-impossible hitch down Highway 178 to the West (that's left for us NoBos). The vibe is a bit weird, but the food was unbelievably cheap (I paid I think $2.99 for three eggs, sausage, toast, hashbrowns, and a bottomless cup of whatever the coffee analog is to Soylent Green) and the proprietors could really use the support. Anyway, I'm going to stop in. 
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