[pct-l] Food on Trail, dehyd. spaghetti sauce

Laraine Downer larainekate at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 16:39:59 CDT 2008

  I have a handout from Roy "TrailDad" Robinson and successfully dried some spaghetti sauce leather. Here's his instructions:
  "Use a meatless sauce. Puree a quart of the sauce in a blender to remove lumps & pour prepared sauce onto a greased cookie sheet. Dry in oven at low temp (150 degrees) til it turns to leather. Cut it into serving size pieces (8 servings per quart works for me.) Return the pieces to the oven & dry them on the racks til they are rock-hard. Cool & wrap individually. Store in freezer."
  My oven only goes as low at 170 degrees, I just chose sauce with no lumps & didn't bother with blender. Then I put finished, rock-hard pieces in a "seal-a-meal" bag & sealed them up. Seems to work fine (we'll see later when I pull them out on the trail).
  Happy hiking

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