[pct-l] Umbrellas

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Sat Mar 22 19:29:49 CDT 2008

Eric writes: I'm planning to ditch my umbrella in the High Sierra in favor  
of a visor and bandana combination (maybe Sunday Afternoons hat) for *when* I  
fall on the slopes and don't wanna ruin the umbrella.  When would be a good  
time to get the umbrella back?  I know there are some more exposed and DRY  
sections like the Hat Creek Rim further north, so where would an umbrella be  
really beneficial *consistently *in this area, and get rid of the visor?
Switchback replies: I have found in the Sierras an umbrella and  
SunPrecaution.com clothing to be invaluable.  The higher you go, the more  radiation from 
the sun and reflection off rocks.  And lots of  dehydration.  The better you 
protect yourself from the sun the better your  water management.  There have 
been times down in the CA Golden Trout  Wilderness when I have been glad for 
everything I had to keep the sun off  me.  This is especially true when I have 
been going crosscounty or route  finding.
Also, I have noticed too at KM the hiker is box is full of umbrellas and my  
Handsfree Umbrella holders.  I am not sure I would ditch my umbrella there  or 
anywhere else along the trail.   IMHO.

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