[pct-l] Logistics of San Jacinto hike

asabat at 4jeffrey.net asabat at 4jeffrey.net
Thu Mar 13 15:34:37 CDT 2008

There's no bus at the tram but the staff will call you a taxi that isn't too expensive, or chat up the other passengers onthe tram and you might well get a ride without hitching. 


------Original Message------
From: Amanda L Silvestri
To: pct-l at backcountry.net
Sent: Mar 13, 2008 1:20 PM
Subject: [pct-l] Logistics of San Jacinto hike

  Once you get to the Devils Slide Trail and are ready to turn left and descend into Idyllwild, you have the option of turning right, and in about five miles coming to the Aila Tramway.  This will take you down Mt. San Jancinto to its base near Palm Springs.  I think there must be a regular bus that runs between there and town, if not hitch hiking shouldn't be that hard.
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