[pct-l] kilt or skirt

katherine becksvoort kabecksv at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 13 13:51:06 CDT 2008

Hey all,
I thru hiked AT in a Mtn Hardware skirt...although they called it a kilt. It is pretty much a wrap around skirt, with a nice chamois (chammy) material that lays against your waist right where my pack waistbelt would go. I hiked in shorts until I hit Damascus, VA, where I bought it. They have discontinued them now....bummer...its the best piece of clothing I've ever bought from Mtn Hardware. (They won't respond to my email requests to make more) 
ANyways...I found hiking in shorts would chafe my upper leg...each time I took a step, the clothing would brush my thigh. Especially when the shorts were wet from rain.
DIdn't have this problem when I swtiched...and found the air circulation was muych better in the skirt. I also had  really great freedom of movement in the skirt...and could pee standing up. THAT was awesome.....not that I was peeing standing up (I'm not jealous, guys)....but that I didn't have to take my pack off to get shorts down. It was a time saver. 
It also has a pocket, which was essential. Without that, it would definitely not be as good, as I could put my flamethrower there.

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