[pct-l] Would you carry a extra 8 grams on your thru hike?

Craig Stanton craigstanton at mac.com
Wed Mar 12 21:05:00 CDT 2008

That gorrilapod doesn't look like it would grip the pole well enough to keep the camera upright, wouldn't it just slid around and leave you with the camera upside down?

I reckon it would also be good for video yourself when walking. Squatch: you could interview on the move then and make it seem like you have a film crew with you.

On Thursday, March 13, 2008, at 02:48PM, "Glen Winters" <glenbwint at yahoo.com> wrote:
>I can only see 2 types of photos you would take with this device.
>1. Self portrait or group with self included.
>2.  Holding camera out over bridge overhang type shot.
>It just doesn't seem to meet my needs/wants. What I would like is a monopod conversion of whatever trekking pole I choose to use. But thats just me, I'm more interested in landscapes then taking my own pic. Besides I'm afraid of breaking the glass lens if I point the camera at self. I'm going to try carrying a gorillapod, you can wrap it around your pole and do the same thing or use a branch, rock, table, etc to set up camera. Ok you got me beat on weight by an order of magnitude but I think its much more usefull.
>Is this the trail  (SOBO) to Argentina?
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