[pct-l] poison oak

Jo Pegrum Hazelett joph at piedmontbsa.org
Mon Mar 10 11:31:02 CDT 2008

If you are allergic to poison oak it is better to be prepared for it.
Northern California (heading into Belden from the South and the section past
Burney Falls) come to mind. I am so allergic that only shots will get it
under control for me. I am very careful to avoid it but other listers have
correctly pointed out the most important thing, if you think you have come
in contact with it is to wash with an appropriate soap (e.g. Tecnu) --
ordinary soap just spreads it around. Then if a rash develops Zanfel works
for me if the affected area is small --- I put it on straight and leave it
there (the instructions call for it to be diluted with water, rubbed on the
affected area then washed off, which does nothing at all!). These products
are expensive but worthnit--- the alternative for some is pure torture.

The best thing is to know what it looks like and avoid it!


From: Len Glassner [mailto:len5742 at gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2008 6:21 PM
To: pct-l
Subject: [pct-l] poison oak

I've not had a run-in with poison oak, but I expect I may have an upcoming
opportunity.  I see there are various products that remove the oil (some
very expensive, some not), and others that address only the itching.  Any
recommendations as to what to carry?  Try to remove the oil or just treat
the itching?

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