[pct-l] Pct-l - Warner Springs Ghost Sightings

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Fri Mar 7 16:22:44 CST 2008

Warner Springs Monty writes: This also sounds like Billy Goat.
Switchback replies: Excellent point.  Say, I wonder if I can get the  Warner 
Springs Ghost to sign L-Rod's Kickoff Herd poster?  That would be  very cool.  
I am going to mail it to her after the Kickoff with a pack of  M&M's.  I want 
everyone to think very carefully about what they want to  say when they sign 
the poster.  I have mine all picked out; "With friends  like me, you don't 
need enemies. -- Your pal, Switchback"  This will be one  of my greatest scams.  
Another addition to the rich tapestry of trail  lore.  Once again, the Pirate 
leaves another trail patron in ruins and  desperation.

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