[pct-l] Warner Springs Mutant Saber Tooth... Ghost sightings

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Fri Mar 7 14:27:49 CST 2008

Warner Springs Monty writes: A ghost has been seen more than once along this  
stretch of the PCT on the trail.  He has always been described as a man  with 
very long hair.  A grayish white light image or aura.  There are  also 
stories of PCT hikers "feeling a presence following them from Barrel  Springs to 
Warner Springs" (mile 100-110) and it has also been "felt" in the  loop, but he 
didn't have stories of actual sightings there.  True Story  from the local 
Indians, so there is some actual fact to 
Switchbacks warnings  about the Warner Springs PCT that he wasn't aware of..
Switchback replies: Just as we thought.  Now it is confirmed.   The image 
sounds like John Muir, but I think Kit Carson stayed at Warner Springs  in the 
old days.  His cabin is still there above the old hot springs  area.  In the 
1920's they built the swimming pools down below, where I go  to goof off.  A lot 
of old pioneers and mountain men visited Warner Springs  for its healing 
powers.  It was quite famous and the stage coach used to  stop there too. 
This is all adding up; the Clinton C. Clarke tree, the ghosts, the Indian  
reverence, and the ancient wild animals stalking hikers.


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