[pct-l] Mutant Saber Tooth... Ghost sightings

montypct montypct at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 09:58:24 CST 2008

True Story

I picked up a hitch hiker a couple weeks ago.  He lives on the Los Coyote 
Indian Reservation right here at Warner Springs.  I know his family.  Good 
friends.  Honest people.  This Indian spoke with a deep inner honesty and 
belief  I could feel.

He had a couple stories I have never heard before.  Ghost stories.  The Los 
Coyote tribe says the  PCT is haunted.  He specifically said the PCT.  You 
rarely see the local Indians on the trail.

Leaving Warner Springs northbound the trail travels through big old brittle 
Oaks, travels up into higher Chaparral then back down into the Oaks a few 
times.  You make some stream crossings.  Sometimes dropping down into these 
Oaks can be scary enough without these ghost stories. You are also below the 
highest peak in San Diego County, Hot Springs Mountain.  Hot Springs 
Mountain is on the Los Coyotes Reservation.  Access is forbidden to 
outsiders without special permission, which is seldom granted.

A ghost has been seen more than once along this stretch of the PCT on the 
trail.  He has always been described as a man with very long hair.  A 
grayish white light image or aura.

There are also stories of PCT hikers "feeling a presence following them from 
Barrel Springs to Warner Springs" (mile 100-110) and it has also been "felt" 
in the loop, but he didn't have stories of actual sightings there.

True Story from the local Indians, so there is some actual fact to 
Switchbacks warnings about the Warner Springs PCT that he wasn't aware of..

Warner Springs Monty

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "montypct" <montypct at gmail.com>
To: <Hiker97 at aol.com>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 7:50 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Mutant Saber Tooth... Ghost sightings

> >Switchback replies: Actually, Warner Springs Monty, is the Guardian of 
> >the
>> PCT Warner Springs Loop.  He is the expert about all this stuff.   I just 
>> know
>> about what I have heard and the legends of the trail ---- the trail 
>> lore.
>> This stuff is only talked about a lot at trailtown saloons after  many 
>> brews and
>> at trail campfires in the deep of the night.  All this  scares me.  I 
>> hope
>> all the NoBo hikers are braver than  me.

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