[pct-l] Walmart GREASE pot

evan battaglia gtoevan at gmx.net
Sun Mar 2 19:03:02 CST 2008

I went to my local evil Walmart today in hopes of coming home with the infamous GREASE pot, but alas, they didn't have it. Does anyone know if they still carry them before I go visit more Walmarts?

Also, I read postholer's warning ( http://postholer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=342 ), including "Unhardened or untreated aluminum cookware is banned in all but 6 countries in the world." Just curious where you heard this from? (If such cookware is illegal is there a warning "don't cook in this" on the pot or something?) I've read a couple things saying the link between Aluminum and Alzheimer's is controversial at best.

Thanks much,
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