[pct-l] Warner Springs Resort PCT Rates - Apologies

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Sun Mar 2 18:41:49 CST 2008

Say, this thread about getting a PCT rate at the resort got me to  thinking.  
I am ashamed of myself.  What is wrong with me?  I  feel bad.  Have I lost 
it?  I sincerely apologize to everyone.
Why didn't I ask for a PCT discount rate for my spa/hot wax pedicure  and 
deep tissue massage too?  I bet I could get a golf discount too over  across the 
street.  I must be slipping.  It must be age and my brain  slowing down.  
Sorry.  I will try to be more careful.
I wonder if I could accumulate my legal and appropriate discounts; PCT  
hiker, PCTA member, ALDHA-West member, High Sierras Hikers Assoc., Sierra Club  
Life member, disabled Veteran, Senior, AAA, police employee, former resort  
guest, etc., etc.  I bet I could parley this into them owing me money for  staying 
there.  Cool.  I can make money on this vacation.  If  this works, then the 
Wednesday evening dinner is on me --- no  problem.
Thanks everyone --- the best pals in the world --- for bringing me  back to 
my senses.
Your buddy, Switchback
"There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country. A fine  
landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken at the right tempo.   Even a 
bicycle goes too fast."  --- Paul Scott  Mowrer

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      
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