[pct-l] FW: PCT and AT Trail Angels

Andrea Dinsmore zaqueltooocool at gmail.com
Sat Mar 1 21:55:39 CST 2008

My base reason for wanting info on the AT places the hikers stay was to
compare it to what is done on the PCT. When we started I tried to learn
everything I could about Donna and Jeff's operation. There's noway I could
accomplish what they do. But we have made an attempt at offering the some
of the same stuff. I think we've settled on a happy medium of all the PCT
trail angels. The only main difference is we ask for a donation if you wish
to hang out here. It helps differ the extra costs of the season.

What you said about "problem children" on the trail makes it bad for the
good hikers....that seems to be growing out here too. It only takes a couple
to screw it up for everyone else. I've voiced my opinion on that in the
past. I would hope if the KO folks read this they might have a group session
and remind the hikers about courtesy and being respectful to those they
interact with on the trail. All that trail magic whether free or at a cost
that is available could fade away if it is abused. It has happened at other
places on the PCT in the recent past. Only the hikers can keep that from
happening again.

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