[pct-l] How steep is the trail

Kathi pogo at zamika.com
Sat Mar 1 12:53:57 CST 2008

Hello PCT-l friends,
I have a maybe silly question. How steep is the trail on the PCT? I have 
had most of my backpacking expeditions in the Sierra's and have found 
myself on steep areas but never on a "trail" to where I felt I needed an 
ice axe... even in very snowy conditions. Including the time I hiked in 
with "no" snow and woke up with my tent buried in snow and had to slog 
out the next morning. I have always been able to find another way on a 
not so steep slop, even sliding slowly on my sleeping pad with my heels 
dug in to the snow like an inch worm (that was always off trail in an 
unusual situation). Now if I went off trail to explore I felt I needed 
one. If the trail is also traveled by horses it seems it can't be that 
steep? Am I wrong? I am the type who always find that easier way to go 
even if it means going out of my way.

I am proud to say that I have decided that 2010 is my year to thru the 
PCT. Now of course all I can think about it the trail.

Thanks for any insight!
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