[pct-l] thru-hiker's prayer answered

Janet Grossman janetgr at cableone.net
Wed Jan 23 20:57:46 CST 2008

And check this out:

"The candy maker claims the new Snickers Charged bars are a low glycemic
index (GI) food, saying the combination of carbohydrate, protein and fat
in a Snickers Bar provides a slower release of energy and has a stable
effect on blood sugar."

"low glycemic index food"??  Wonder how they came up with that?  I would
guess between the caffeine and the sugar, it would be off the scale on
the glycemic index.

Fat really slows down the rise in blood sugar. That's why chocolate is not a
good way for those of us with diabetes to raise our blood sugar when it's
too low. The chocolate will eventually make it rise, but not as quickly as
needed for a real low.


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