[pct-l] Musical instruments, stoves

Eric Lee (GAMES) elee at microsoft.com
Fri Feb 29 21:07:44 CST 2008

Soini wrote:
Would you be offended if a fellow hiker brought and played a musical
instrument like a flute or a strumstick?

For me, it would be fine if this fellow hiker were considerate and not obnoxious about playing it when other people might not want it played.  If there's any doubt, don't.

Soini wrote:
Which do you think is the better option? Wood stove or alcohol?

They each have their advantages and disadvantages.  You already described many of them.  I would add that a wood stove is considered to be a campfire in the eyes of the Forest Service, so they're illegal to use during fire bans or in many alpine places where campfires are restricted above a certain altitude.

I haven't found alcohol stoves to use excessive amounts of fuel, but then I have a pressurized version (aka Pepsi Can stove) that is probably a little more efficient, though fussier to light.

I've seen people using both on the trail.  Use whatever you like best, I guess.

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