[pct-l] solution to "the herd": Go SOBO!

evan battaglia gtoevan at gmx.net
Wed Feb 27 20:44:49 CST 2008

I've talked to two people who have done the PCT and they both agree that not enough people SOBO the PCT, and that the perceived difficulty of going SOBO is overrated, especially for fairly fast hikers. One suggested people do the PCT NOBO just because they came from the AT and NOBO'd that.

I'm currently debating between going starting SOBO in early July or starting NOBO in early-mid May. One of the main drawbacks is the lack of a community for SOBOs. It's discouraging when you don't see anyone else doing what you're doing and going thru what you're going thru... Simply having more SOBO hikers would alleviate this.

So in support of LNT principles and dissipating the herd, go SOBO!

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