[pct-l] PCT Glacier Peak detour - what's it like?

Angela Ballard angelamwalker at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 27 12:13:35 CST 2008

Hello PCT-L readers and writers,
I'm working on an article for the PCTA's Communicator
about the status of the PCT detour and rebuilding in
the Glacier Peak area in Washington. If you hiked the
PCT detour last summer, I'd love to hear your thoughts
on the experience. How was the detour as compared to
the rest of the PCT in terms of difficulty of the
terrain? Trail grade/steepness? Camping opportunities?
Trail's condition/maintenance? Any advice for this
year's hikers in terms of preparing for the detour?
Also, despite the fact that the real PCT is closed
around Glacier Peak, did anyone hike it last year
anyway? What was that like? 
Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to
hearing from you. 
Angela Ballard

Angela Ballard
14 Geary Ave.
Fairfax, CA 94930

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