[pct-l] A potential member of the ADZ heard

joel01 at ekit.com joel01 at ekit.com
Wed Feb 27 12:09:43 CST 2008

The herd does eventually spread out. One reason for it getting 
bunched up is because the water sources in the desert are so spread 
out, meaning that everyone is trying to get to that same 
spring/cache. As people settle into their own groove, taking days 
off, walking faster or more leisurely, the hikers spread out except 
for a few choke-points such as Hiker Heaven or Kennedy Meadows where 
people are apt to pause since these locations can seem like major 
milestones on the trail. 

After Kennedy Meadows water sources start becoming plentiful and 
hikers may or may not go over the various off-PCT passes in order to 
resupply. Mini-herds may again reform but it is often more of a 
hiker preference for being in the neighborhood of those other hikers.

Joel (aka Vlad the Impaler)

It was then I knew I'd had enough, 
Burned my credit card for fuel 
Headed out to where the pavement turns to sand - Neil Young

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