[pct-l] Time for the Annual "Why I Boycott the ADZ" Message

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Tue Feb 26 22:21:52 CST 2008

Some rambling (sorry) thoughts  ;-)   plus time for me to add my two cents worth, also   :-( 

Whenever this subject ("boycott ADZ") is brought up, I'm curious why some initial responses refer to the PCT "window" as if it can ONLY be a couple weeks duration at the most...  to start a ~2,658 mile hike?
Come on, folks, think outside the box a little!  I can manipulate numbers (mileages, days hiked or zeroed, speed, hours, etc.) to come out however you want - to validate or invalidate any point...
I've said in the past that, nowadays, with the ultralight influence lightening up everyones packs, ADZ as it is normally scheduled is too early...
Too many people have it stuck in their heads that "late April" is "Day Zero" and June 15 is Sierra entry from Kennedy Meadows - no matter what - says who?  Ray Jardine?  All of Ray's nobo itineraries started in May, not April...  and June 15 is just a 'target' date, and I personally think that is also becoming outdated somewhat (note to all you '06ers out there, according to Ray J, you should have all GONE HOME instead of making it through the Sierra!!  Congrats! BTW)...

In 2006, someone started from the Mexican border nobo for Canada on May 22...  If that person had first asked the list for 'friendly' advice, the responses mostly would have been "it will be too hot", "there won't be enough water" or "the caches will be empty", a few "you'd have to be crazy", and "you're starting too late, you won't make it to Canada in time" remarks...  That person made it through the "hot" desert, did not rely on the water caches - instead going off trail at times to known sources...  A 'late' start - was there time to get to Canada?  Yes, and on November 28, 2006, he touched the PCT monument at the border - the Mexican border...  Scott Williamson completed his second PCT yo yo...  Scott says/insists he is not really a 'fast' hiker, but he does hike many hours each day - check his 2006 yo yo stats and do the math yourself; see <http://pctthruhiker.com/statistics.htm>...  It works out to ~2 1/4 MPH hiking speed...

ADZ's initial intentions were truly noble and good, yet with so much information readily available today via the internet from equipment reviews, SoCal water reports, snow conditions for the Sierra through WA, SoCal snow conditions via early 'recon' or 'trip reports', to other trail conditions, etc., etc. - what more does a thru-hiker really need (and that thru SHOULD already KNOW all of that BEFORE getting to Campo or ADZ anyway!!)?  To me, ADZ has boiled down to a couple of free meals for the current crop of thrus (which DOES tend to exacerbate the 'herd' problem - "Hey! Free food!!") and a get together 'party' for previous thrus...  I think 'helping' the current thrus has now become more of the 'excuse' for having the 'party'...

ADZ definitely goes against the LNT philosophy since it encourages more hikers in a short time frame...  To their credit, the rides board has spread out the herd a little, but not much in reality - if the top of the bell curve was at Warner Springs last year, in thru mileage that is only 4 or 5 days 'ahead' (and still constitutes a 'wave' or 'herd' IMO)...
As for  the "conscientious hikers, trail angels, vendors and organizers" leaving Lake Morena Campground cleaner than they found it - that's great, but what about "the trail"?  Isn't 'all' of ADZ also supposed to be about "the Trail", the PCT?  Are all those fine folks also going to patrol the first two or three hundred miles (or more?) of the PCT rehabilitating the impromptu overused/overcrowded camp sites, especially those in the more fragile desert areas?

Why not do away with the "DZ"?  Other than 'tradition' of the 'catchy' name - do away with the "Day Zero" and its connotation...  Move the 'party' to a much earlier date - all the former thrus can still get together and throw a party...  They can form committees to supply 'magic' meals at various places scattered further up the trail later on (and have more mini parties!) - each class can supply a 'magic' meal...  Future thrus can attend and discuss and learn of the trail, and see the cutting edge equipment from some vendors...  All can do volunteer trail work on small projects nearby...  Maybe the class 'projects' could combine trail 'magic' meals near a work area further up the trail - a 'double' payback to the trail at one time...  Think of how much more could be done for the "TRAIL" by these hundreds of people...  The APCTKOWP...  Or, you could leave it exactly the same, no changes (since people don't like change), and have the same "party" every year - or at least until a quot
a/permit system is put into place on the PCT in the Cleveland NF...

Both ADZ and the water caches have grown too big...  And speaking of the 'emergency' water caches - oh, that should be another subject, another time...   ;-)

Happy trails!!!
Jim Payne

"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell."  - Edward Abbey

"Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization."  - Charles Lindbergh

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"  - Steven Wright

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