[pct-l] ADZ Vendors

Joseph Anderson joedaddy44 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 10:21:16 CST 2008

Well Greg, He's at it again. Kinda like the groundhog, only this one
crawls out from under the sanctimonious rock that he lives under. The
species while completely harmless, is extremely annoying. Some
theororize that it's due to his acute nearsightedness. Not being able
to see past the end of his nose makes it hard to see anything but his
own shadow (which has been known to scare him on occaision). Left to
hius own, this relative of the rodent family, will eventually crawl
back under his rock.  At least till next year at about this time.

We'll see you at the AWESOME Kickoff  aka ADZPCTKO  No "P"

Joe & Terrie Anderson
Casa de Luna

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