[pct-l] Laguna Mountain Store WILL accept packages

montypct montypct at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 18:12:26 CST 2008

I just got off the Phone with Tom, one of the two brothers who run the store.  He will accept packages from hikers this year.

I talked to Tom at the store and they WILL accept Resupply packages. 

I am leaving a box there. 


Laguna Mountain Store

10678 Sunrise Hwy

Mt. Laguna, CA 91948




I stayed here last year in cold storm.  Not bad and priced pretty well,



The post office is attached to the store also.  Their hours are very limiting to a normal hikers plans, so I suggest sending to the store for most people.

Mt Laguna PO hours:

Business Hours 
 MO 12:00-04:00PM
 TU 12:00-04:00PM
 WE 12:00-04:00PM
 TH 12:00-04:00PM
 FR 12:00-04:00PM
 SA 09:00-11:00AM


These hours are limited, but what Scott suggests about readjusting gear and shipping things out, can make a difference to a big percentage of every year's hikers.  Sometines the Fun increases as the weight decreases.


There has been a "Post Office" set up by a local Postmaster, outgoing only, at the Kick Off, but this hasn't been confirmed yet for this year.


Warner Springs Monty
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