[pct-l] Tarp tent vs. traditional tent

Sandi bowed1heart at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 03:42:25 CST 2008

I KNOW that a lighter pack would feel better.  I know this because my dog and I take hikes up and down the OC&E...with day pack, or just a bag slung around my hips....I like the bag around my hips better.
  But I still like things....like a "sink" to wash me and my socks out in.  Like my chair.  I actually nixed my backpackers guitar.  Like a book to read.  Low mileage means more relaxing.  :-)
  BUT...these are OPINIONS.  And as such, I totally respect yours.  But I still roll my eyes at 3 ounces.  :::sorry::: 

Greg Kesselring <gkesselr at whidbey.com> wrote:
  Hi Sandi,

What I discovered when I got my pack weight down to the low 20's (that's total weight, including food and water, and no it's not ultra light, but much lighter than I used to carry) is that it feels more like a day pack and I no longer stop because I want or need to take my pack off.  I stop when I want to sit and enjoy the view, or have a snack, or rest my legs and feet.  The pack becomes a non-issue.  As a result, walking itself becomes a joy, I can go farther if I want to, or I can sit and stare for a long time if I want.  My enjoyment when I sit is increased because I'm not as tired as I was when carrying a 35 or 40 pound pack.  Ditto for enjoyment in camp at the end of the day.  I also like the feeling of freedom when I'm out there, feeling like I can cover many miles if I want to, and cover those miles easily and comfortably.  Having a light pack increases that sense of freedom for me, opening up more territory to explore, if I choose to, which I don't always do.  I
 can totally relate to your enjoyment of just sitting and soaking in the scenery.  The spectacular scenery is why I go out there.  

I had thought that I would choose to carry more weight on a low miles trip--bring a bigger tent, cannister stove instead of alcohol, etc.  But what I've found instead is that I just love the feeling of the lightweight pack and feeling like I've got a lot of energy left at the end of the day.  So on a low miles trip, I still carry the lightest pack I can.  

How much you carry is totally up to you, of course.  You have to decide what's important for you.  I also know that it's hard to try a lightweight pack without spending a lot of money on a bunch of new lightweight gear.  But the best way to make choices about what you carry would be to try a trip with your current gear, then try a similar trip, similar mileage and scenery with a pack weight down in the low 20's.  Then you will have experienced it both ways and you can choose what's best for you based on your experience.



Sandi wrote:     I am going to go out on a HUGE limb here....I am not an ultra light backpack person.  I like my comforts.  At first, I started to get sucked in....and then I thought, "WHY???"  To gain more miles in a day?  "WHY????"  As such, I am stroller...a wanderer.  I like to see and stop and gaze and glory....and sit on my little 8 ounce tri-pod chair while I do so.  I have a wonderful tent that has two walls so I don't have to worry about too much about water dripping on my nose or my sleeping bag while I sleep because it's raining outside.  I don't worry about the weight.  I pick up my pack, put it on my back and walk.  When I am tired of walking, I stop until I want to walk again.
  I know that I am out of the main groove because of my beliefs...but is there such a thing as too much here?  6 ounces/3 ounces  

Jordan2ynp at aol.com wrote:
  Dear other hikers:

       I am of the club that still uses a "traditional" tent. Mine is 2.8 pounds, but it keeps me warm, dry, bug free, and has all the extras one expects a tent to have. My questions to those who have the tarp tents is, is it worth the savings? I am asking because mine is easy to set up, and it has always worked for me. However, I have never tried a tarp tent, and I was wondering what the tradeoffs were, if any. 
       As it is, my pack well be in the 12-14 pound range. It's not as light as some (8lbs holly crap!) but it could still be lighter, and as such the tent question comes to mind. 
       The final part of my quarry comes in the form of construction. The majority of the light tents I've seen require construction, and I am as good as a builder as I am at speaking French (in case you were wondering, I don't speak French). So, what are quality tarp tents I could buy? That being said, thank you all for your input on this subject in advance.

Your happy go lucky hiking pal,
Good Times :)

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