[pct-l] More on Thru-Wallet

Bill Batchelor billbatch at cox.net
Sat Feb 9 18:16:18 CST 2008

I really don't get Postholer's concern for someone making a buck on their
book or anything else.  I do understand his point that there are many things
for sale that you really don't need for the trail and that we should be
vigilant that people are always trying to separate us from our money.  I
also understand that in the enthusiasm of planning a thru-hike combined with
a lack of experience of such a venture, it is easy to buy stuff thinking you
need it - when you don't.  And I can understand Postholer's point in that
there may be some level of manipulation occurring when a seller takes
advantage of this enthusiasm and ignorance by intentionally selling
something that they know really isn't needed.

However, when you find something to be valuable it is perfectly reasonable
to pay for it.  And what one person finds valuable may not be so to another.
After all, money is really just a tangible form so that we have a flexible
means to exchange energy and creativity with each other.

I personally found Yogi's book to be worth every single cent.  I happily
gave up some of my stored resources.  Now the neon-orange-bear-deterring
socks...  Not so much. 

Now, as long as I am tossing my opinion around. . .  I also found
Postholer's web site to be absolutely outstanding.  His web site is so good
that you get no hint from it that the web master is nuts... I kid Scott -
unless you are nuts, then I am sorry - unless your really really nuts, then
I am just scared.  His site really is the most useful web info available
along with the water report site.

Pink Gumby

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