G. Lowe aka Wheeew gailpl2003 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 8 22:18:36 CST 2008

Yes Reinhold,

Thank you for inviting me in to this most interesting of topics.  I spoke of this malady some time ago on the list.  The term you're looking for is "anoxic encephalopathy"......lack of oxygen to the brain, resulting in brain cell death.  This has many causes, but being at high altitude without supplemental oxygen or proper acclimation are prime causes.  To date, no one has found an UL oxygen tank to carry (< or = to 2.5 oz), so many of the gram weenies suffer most.  

This heartbreaking illness is often hardest on family members.  It's symptoms resemble that of a person who has had a lobotomy.  After paying the ultimate price for "summit fever", the sufferer of MHD must return home to be cared for by aging parents.  The endless drooling, seizures, and incontinence are a severe burden on the family's physical, emotional and financial resources.  

Strangely, a new treatment is now giving hope.  The medical profession cannot explain how or why it works, but there appears to be an almost "exorcist" quality to the treatment.  In short, if one were to put a copy of Yogi's handbook on the bare skin of the patient, a sort of sizzling starts taking place.  Furthermore, if the patient's eyes are forced to actually view the book, multiple, long-lasting seizures take hold, the patient levitates off the bed and the head begins to spin around on it's axis, all the while spewing vomitus.  Some say (SB) that this is a voodoo plot, or commie plot, by the author to "sell more books".  This cannot be substantiated by the the scientific community.  And until something better comes along, the medical professionals are willing to pay ANYTHING.....even DOUBLE the cost of the book, just to offer hope to the patient and family.  Successful treatment is assumed when the patient can again feed himself, tie his own boots, and forego the

Make no mistake, there is no cure for MHD, and any further exposure to low oxygen levels  to the brain, (even after successful treatment), will most likely result in irreversible damage.......say for instance if one were to put a pillow over the hiker's......I mean patient's face and hold it there for extended periods.  As great as this temptation may be, it is not recommended.

I hope this explanation helps in some small way.  Please use PayPal to compensate me for my time and knowledge.  In this way you can help finance my hike and we can both help keep corporate America alive and well.

Your resident Flo Nightingale............


p.s.  Just to clarify, hikers without MHD are at NO RISK for injury due to buying &/or reading Yogi's books.

Reinhold Metzger <reinholdmetzger at cox.net> wrote: I have been following the thread about corporate America and money greed 
with great amusement and sadly came to the following 
conclusion......MORONS....I  AM  SURROUNDED  BY  MORONS.

Some guys on this list are fruitier than fruit cakes.....nuttier than 
the nuttiest corn nuts.......probably the result of to many nights at 
high elevation resulting in oxygen deprivation, which in turn causes 
brain cells to die, which in turn gives rise to a  condition known in 
medical circles as  ''MORONIC  DISORDER''....very frequently
associated with long distance hiking......can be fatal if left 
untreated.......seek medical help immediately.
Wheeew (Gail) is a nurse and may be familiar with this disorder and 
might be able to offer advice.

What is all this nonsense about Yogi making money on her book and the 
evils of corporate America?
It costs money to publish books, so you need to sell them to justify 
publishing them.
What do you guys do for a living?
Do you guys get paid or do you guys work for free?
Or maybe you guys don't earn a living and just live in the wilderness 
gathering nuts and berries for a living.
But wait a minute, where did the money come from for those fancy boots 
you are wearing, or the UL pack, the sleeping bag, tent etc.?....all 
products of corporate America or global corporations or businesses.
BTW.....where did the money come from for the computer (another 
corporate product) that allows you to communicate with the list?

Some folks like to bash the evils of money and corporate America, yet 
eagerly embrace it.
Seems to me, if you want to do away with the evils of money and 
corporate America and their environmental impact, you may have to go 
back to the caveman  style of living, before tools and fire.....then you 
will be in tune with mother nature and hopefully not impact the environment.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not willing to go back to that kind 
of life style.
Hey, I like my beer, my Ford Truck, my cozy home, my UL pack, and oh 
yes, I like my computer that allows me to keep in touch with you guys 
even though you guys some times make my hair fall out.

BTW.....all the above are corporate products purchased with hard earned 

Do you guys get my point?........Ooohhh what's the use.......I'm 
knocking on dead wood.

I'm going back to watching the  humming bird  outside my window.....less 

JMT Reinhold
The ''Say NO to cave man life style'' crusader.

---->MexiCan----> 2008
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