[pct-l] PCT Atlas - Thru wallet alert

Gary Wright gwtmp01 at mac.com
Thu Feb 7 17:17:49 CST 2008

On Feb 6, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Postholer wrote:
> The groupies will say that Yogi makes no money off her 'book', yet  
> the price
> has doubled. It's about the money, make no mistake. WWDD? (What  
> Would Donna
> Do?)

Why does it matter if Yogi makes money off her book or not?

If you think the book is worth the asking price, buy it.  If you  
don't, don't buy it.

If Yogi thinks producing the book is worthwhile, she'll continue.  If  
not, she won't.

If it turns out that Yogi can make money from producing her book,  
good for her.
If it turns out that Yogi can't make money but enjoys sharing the  
information, good for her.
If it turns out that Yogi can't justify the time/money and wants to  
do something else, good for her.

Isn't the free market great?


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