[pct-l] time required for pct thru hike

Marcia gottawalk at pacbell.net
Wed Feb 6 16:24:52 CST 2008

Actually 2600+ . That's an additional hour of hiking a day. Now if you're JMT Reinholt it's inconsequential! =)

Ken and I are showing 2000 and 2007 photos tonight at REI Berkeley and are boneing up on facts. After I get released from the computer room I am not going to post anymore because I 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Greg Kesselring 
To: lauren moran 
Cc: pct-l at backcountry.net 
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2008 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] time required for pct thru hike

Hi Lauren,

Welcome to the group!

Using simple division 2300 miles / 100 days, we get 23 miles per day.  But that's with NO zero days.  You'll have to take some zeros or at least some shorter days for resupply.  So the question for you is:  Will you be comfortable hiking 25 or 27 mile days day after day with no down time?  (Or maybe 30 mile days with a zero thrown in once in a while.)  Only you can answer that based on your hiking experience.  (Is there any way you can extend your hike till the end of August or early September?)

Good luck!


lauren moran wrote: 
  Is it feasible to thru hike the pct in 100 days? I know it's been done faster than that, but I guess I'm asking if it's possible to hike in less than four months and not feel like I'm killing myself. I like to push myself, but want to have fun too. In '06 I thru hiked the AT in 148 days, and I wouldn't have wanted to do it much faster than that. I've heard that most people are able to do longer days on the PCT than on the AT. If I'm able to do the PCT in '09 I'd wouldn't be able to start until May 1st or so and would have to finish by the middle of August. Let me know what y'all think. This is my first post, so I'm looking forward to hearing back. Thanks!



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